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The Bryophyta Nursery
The Bryophyta Nursery
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Moss collection Select 15 to 45 species of moss with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
cushion terrarium moss Tortella mediterranea with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Terrarium plants Great Scented Liverwort with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Terrarium Red moss, Andreaea alpina, with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Terrarium moss Philonotis seriata, with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Aquatic feather moss Platyhypnidium riparioides, with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
True Solomon’s seal rhizomes with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by supplier
Terrarium moss Ptilium crista-castrensis moss with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
orchid Cephalanthera longifolia rhizome of the family Orchidaceae, Waldvöglein, Sword-leaved Helleborine
Aquarium moss Fissidens fontanus "Phoenix Moss", with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
bulbs/seeds allium ursinum, wild garlic with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by supplier
Terrarium Umbrella liverwort with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Scale Fern plant or spores! Asplenium ceterach with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Terrarium moss 15cm tall Braunia alopecura with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Terrarium Sheet moss AKA Hypnum cupressiforme with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
living Reindeer lichen with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Terrarium moss Pohlia nutans perfect bonsai moss, with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier
Mother of vinegar Red/white/Apple Cider, your own vinegar from scratch!
Oldest living land plants! Liverwort Lunularia cruciata carpet
Terrarium liverwort Porella platyphylla with Phytosanitary certification and Passport, grown by moss supplier